Final Concentration – New Directions

  I have always been interested in the art of Tarot cards and how they are made. My friend Kaeli reads tarot and the whole process is truly fascinating to me. Kaeli’s is a face that I can draw over and over, from any angle and in any setting, so for my first final piece…

Fourth Concentration

Artist Statement: My Fourth concentration pieces focused on the style of tattoo art/pen and ink illustration with a common theme of an image with some sort of featured word/phrase. I experimented and practiced quite a bit before choosing a final piece, and some images are more complete than others, yet all follow the theme and…

I am New Tech

For the first time in a long time, I found myself drawn to the concept of creating a digital piece. I was prompted with a scholarship opportunity to create and art piece displaying what I thought my school would be in the future. My immediate thought was diversity. As a school, we have a pretty…


  The true inspiration for these pieces is obscure and probably comes from my fascination with all things inedible. As a sufferer from celiac disease and various other food allergies. The mystery of these bits of circular dough, fried to a crisp and topped with glossy pink frosting, has haunted me for years. Why do…

Illustration: Series One

Ever since being admitted to the Fine Arts program as an Illustration Major at the Art Institute of Chicago, building my illustration portfolio is my main goal. That being said, my chosen concentration for this final semester of High School art is Illustration. I can complete a drawing relatively quickly, so each concentration piece consists…

Concentration 5

My final concentration for the semester was by far the most abstract piece I’ve ever done. It spanned across a variety of media and went through several stages before its completion. Beginning with old fashion magazines, I went through and tore out images that spoke to me or held some sort of significance. I then…


Continuing with the subtle theme of pop-portraiture as my concentration, I decided to take on the challenge of a self portrait. Self portraits are tricky, as we know ourselves, but we can only see ourselves as reflections or in photographs. As always when I do a portrait, I start with the eyes and make sure…

Concentration 3- Adventures in Pop Surrealism

This month blessed me with a burst of inspiration to create some very deep and emotional pieces. I’ve always loved the image of a little child, sad and forsaken. I think this comes from my own experiences as a child. When I paint, I reveal a piece of myself to the world, and my art…

Amy Winehouse Tribute Portrait

Over the summer I had completed two colorful pastel portraits of iconic singer Marylin Monroe and the world renowned band, The Beatles. Although that was a my first time working in pastels, I really enjoyed both the medium and the process and was very pleased with the result of both portraits. And so, I once…

New Year – New Concentration

Once again I am taking a concentration-focused art class. As you may recall from last year, I chose to study the art of surrealism. This time, I have cast my net and reeled in something far less traditional from the sea of art ideas. Ever since I was a child riding the subway, I have…

Concentration 5- A Custom Painted Guitar Case

My most recent obsession and project is custom painting guitars and guitar cases. Working on canvas is great, sure, but I love the challenge and variety that painting other objects provides. A canvas painting is put on a wall, admired when people are present, and forgotten as soon as they leave the room. A guitar…

Concentration 4

Here I am…. once again… with an unfinished piece….. maybe I should change my concentration to unfinished art by an art student with too much stress. Keeping with the theme of meaningful surrealism, I wanted my fourth piece to represent the fleetingness of childhood, the rush to reach adulthood, and tragedy that is the American…